May 21, 2023

Punch In

Punch it in it up up above your weight punching punching down

Third year options and asks and wants and needs

Like hopes needs dreams

Like hype and  hype man man oh man

This would be summer

Bass from beds and trunks

Sunscreen but usually not

Strings braided ‘round wrists

Rather drinks rather french fries rather much

The sun keeps going down later and later

May 2, 2023


Try try try try try

Teee-rye try try tee try try

Trying I’m try try when tee

Tetherest whether weather weatherest try

Try no try not try try try

Day try try tee tee tee tee tee tee

Teeeeeeeeee try tee try trying I’m

Wednesday try try almost what which try

Terrible trying

Terraform trying

Triad trying, a second language trying, second skin trying, second after minute after hour trying

Epochs trying as myriad moments try

They try they try they try

Every size, everywhere trying