July 9, 2015

I'll Get to This Later / I'll Get to You Later

One who hasn't slept is cute

One who is wrapped in a blanket is normally cute

Everything kittens rubbing their tired little eyes

And bunnies

And bloodshed, adds the ain't-slept mind

But hush hush we're still flying

Everything slippery forever after

And so it's always been? Maybe not

But it has been quickly and for some long while

Turtles have baby turtles, it is their way

Tires get old and sometimes get burned on the edge of a lake, such is their way to the dismay of nearby vacationers

What if things had a past tense, too? Think of all the fun you could have

Sliding is a thing

Put a ring around all your favorite things

Fresh flowers and seafood and sunshine

Where cats go so goes extinction which is a real pisser

Like your life being built on so many things that would disgust you or are currently disgusting you

Are you the betting type?

Location:Oak Rd,Baltimore,United States