September 16, 2016

Awwwuulll These People or What It Means to Go from Place to Place

Line line line it up I'm barely standing

Like oceans to the sea

Like tired people in tired places

Like this whole income thing and every other thing

And then the trailer parts of trailer trucks all lined up at the Pepsi Distribution Center waiting for the truck parts to come and take them places

Drive up windows for fast food and banks and coffee

Tshirt shops on boardwalks on beaches

All that wood out in the sun all summer long

Hurricane shutters, shatter-proof glass, childproof bottle caps

This over time and that over time and you, too, over time

Think about the last time you took a good look at the sky and what you were feeling right beforehand

Or the last time you saw someone driving with their turn signal on and didn't know it

What train tracks do

What chainlink fences do

Any job well-done

And then time alone

Quiet and alone

Location:Garden City Dr,Hyattsville,United States