(Afternoon and evening)
Third place is just at the coast. Because I call the digits.
True dreary for us, yes.
I have the point of the sea. I have the axe. Do you want a tour?
Apart from us, you arrived true.
Excellent. My health is dire, but we can’t pay the blockade.
We gotta get a school.
No, we need to rest in the parade of foolish shit.
Tell me slow.
Cool. Got it.
I’m bored of the new calendar…now I have a figure to dance in the details.
All you have to embrace are these lips?
After the public call for encores, ok?
Gotta work certain change.
This is another draft piece I read at the reading the other week. The June writing project continues with day-by-day research and word/phrase gathering. The writing and arranging will flow from that, but not bound to the individual days.