There are boundaries to any situation
There are blunders and weaponry
There are force multipliers and all kinds of stuff, but that's not so much what I'm here to talk about
You can buy new ways of seeing because this is a time after some time in the nineteenth century and we just keep passing these skills down
Useful skills
You can buy dinner, you can buy seeds to grow food for dinner, you can make a nice dinner for your friends
Obligatory mentions of fish tacos, San Diego, beverages
You can see things from a great height -- we've inherited so many fabulous things
And there is a train in motion and so on
There is the moon passing through phases over a period of days
And faster the tides rise and fall
Blue crabs are delicious
Oysters are delicious
Shrimp are delicious
And I'm hungry right about now
There is cold metal, cold stone, and glass that is cool to the touch
There is a mug in the freezer, but I'm not home
There are awards for smart people doing smart things
Someone traipsed across England putting up all these damn fences
Someone planted apple trees
There was these giant cheetahs that we're eating fucking everyone
We were together like the continents
Life was wild
Location:Savage,United States