March 29, 2015

Written Quickly on a Plane Before Takeoff

I was thinking about single words the other day and whether stripping them down to themselves would let them take on all their meanings.

Like race
Or tear

But then I thought they'd just take on the first meaning that came to someone when they saw it, because that tends to be all the attention anything gets or deserves in a big big big world.

There's lots to do

And then I thought about it taking on all those meanings by being in so many heads, but then thought who'd get to get that

And I thought about all this scifi I'd been reading

And robots

Then databases

And spreadsheets

That leaps over to watches for me and timezones and train travel

And I'm sitting on a plane that is going to fly but isn't just yet.

Location:Friendship Rd,Baltimore,United States

So So So All Things

It's the second one
It's when living things accidentally sound like machines
It's all the wonders, I mean all the pessimistic ones

Everything swarms
Everything in swarms
Everything on my mind

Time for some coffee

Stories leave things out and stories end

All this existing

Things keep coming forward

Am I supposed to list them here?

You're just going to have to miss so many things because that's the way the system works

I mean time and place
I mean appointments essentially
And after that bylines

We're still building with blocks, for the most part, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that

And we're swimming in streams
Our eyes are open
Always wider

When you get the algorithms right it never ends

And then you have all this time to think about what right is

As obvious as that sounds
As obvious as deer in the backyard

And the shrubs they find so delicious

Location:W Laurel Ave,Sterling,United States

March 21, 2015

To All the Things I Try Not to Break and Try Not to Buy

I've got a pocketful of #latergrams that are so damn sun-filled and so damn fine

Is this something you can handle, you know, readily

Full-faith partnership is the fucking jam

What am I doing?
...with time
...with all these pillows

Some people depend on me

And other things can't be taken back

I don't mean to talk at you like this

Stop stop stop start stop stop

Story time, clock towers, one-hour photo shops, layers of laughter, later days vs. later in the day

You can make a bouquet of anything just like you make a day of everything

Don't give in to the tyranny of shapes

It all looks good on you

March 5, 2015

Beds in the Streets of London or You Have Time to Spare

I don't recall gargling broken glass before going to bed, but there you have it

All kinds of things travel through the air and signs point to that being only more the case through the 21st century

What would an exact picture be?

That strip of land on either side of our border with Canada where nobody is allowed to build stuff

Followed by an entire troupe of deaf dancers

And then more on trends

And then plus, plural, plenty, and a bunch of stars

Start start start stand by

Groups of people born around here do things and we call them local things

That strip of land all along our border with Mexico with all sorts of things -- grass, a fence, some water, checkpoints, open country

There is this thing like gravity

And nobody knows what's up with gravity in the first place

But still

Location:W 7th St,Austin,United States

March 3, 2015

Somewhere Something Gained Ground

When I say later, whose later

I have a list of things I'm working on

You'll be surrounded by people all the time

He'll have a book, she'll have a drink, they'll file in and file out

That's the thing about order

On paper orderly and lull get so close to one another, but in reality I'm a back and change

I like to eat -- I like it a lot

We share space

You get blurry, alone or as a group

We all want the pictures to mean something and they keep happening

There's a river

There's a schoolhouse

Don't leave out the atmosphere


There you have it

Location:Wallace Neel Rd,Charlotte,United States

March 2, 2015

Long Lines Meditation Blues #Latergram

Some grills are shinier than others

Some otters are expensive or orphaned or born in captivity

Original patterns are a thing

And actions are acting over everyone all the time

A closer is a thing in baseball

And there are other things that exist whether you believe in them or not

Spring is always approaching

Summer is always approaching

And Fall is my favorite season year after year

The contents of our lives

Location:Park Rd NW,Washington,United States

March 1, 2015

How Is That Even Comfortable

Embed this

What have you deleted?

Days, ways, veins

Tomorrows, tenuous temperaments

Things decay, that is how things do

Simple syrup

Deceptive somethings

Weather on weather on weather on weather

Wearer of what, wearer or who

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States