May 31, 2015

There Are So Many People and So Many Things

You see that it is specks in the far corner of specks all the way down

I mean that you're on the edge of this huge thing and it is on the edge of this huge thing and so on

I don't mean to be repetitive but god damn

And I think about Athena and how she sprung from Zeus's forward fully formed -- I think about that all the time

That's what a real myth looks like in our world and we cling to it

Erase the past, believe in genius

Because it is comforting even when it leaves us out -- like when people without means vote for politicians and policies that protect those with means because I'll be rich tomorrow

Who's out there gathering up all these American modern day myths into an Ovid-like single place?

Sunday is not for soapboxes, Jamie

Sunday is for soaking up all the things

Like sunshine and chores and afternoon baseball and all the work you need to get going on

Like the 350 million people in this country and the 6-something billion people around the planet

And that that is a huge percentage of all the people ever

And that surely some dinosaurs were warm blooded

And that it is always good to remember that chickens are dinosaurs

And so on

There is so much all the time

I don't have much to add to that just now

I'm reading a book about a guy that's trapped alone on Mars and trying to not die there

I mean it's a book, but I'm reading it on my phone

Because I do that a bit these days

This weather

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States

May 28, 2015

Granite Is a Type of Stone

Granite is a state

Type of kind when when

When you wait for a taxi

Shovel is to spade

Pick is to stone

All awls on shelves ask questions and tell lies

Lower pressure at lower altitudes

Bellow to sing on high

Below this

Beyond what else

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States

May 27, 2015

Somethings Are Strong

What can happen with words over time

That you can fight the ocean -- ask the Dutch

Really big things followed by really small things

All the meanings of resolution piled on top of one another

All the front doors of all the Starbucks everywhere

Or all the kitchenettes in all the apartments

Raveled things unraveled and laid out for everyone to see

And that story where that get to the innermost room and it is white and bare and empty

What makes the letter O so wonderful and all the cultures that mired through life before we invented zero

There's more onion under each layer of the onion peeled away

But that isn't the point

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States

May 21, 2015

For When They're Up to Their Neck in Getting By

Read like you own it

Style points, stolen glances, standard rates

Self-correcting sentence structures

Static like on the radio and static like this block of stone

Sometimes the song is afraid, too

Sometimes the air quality is less than what you'd hoped for

Coalesce as a driving principle

Cantilever as what you want

Without the repetitions you don't need

At least at least at lost at like

Turnips turned trying

You admire, you preserve, you enjoy

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States

May 19, 2015

What Is It That You Want?

When you are silly, time slows down

When you put a sugar cube in what it all rushes away

"Not like" can help you flip through shades like you're getting somewhere

You are surrounded by jewels everyday

The air is full of water, the ground is full of air, and clouds are heavier than airplanes

Everything will still depend on you, though

These conditions will never be repeated, but that doesn't make them matter

We still believe in gravity

somewhere close by a clock is ticking

a kid down the block is bouncing a ball on the driveway

the dog is sprawling out on the floor because it's humid

The fan is trying to do its thing

Put it together

All of it

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States

May 18, 2015

A Little Bit More Everything

Off and rain

Like often

There were dresses and the century-odometer turning

Because every TV show comes to an end

There are all kinds of gates across this land

There are free countries and dry counties and the land of tomorrow

There are valleys full of dinosaurs

And dinosaurs full of regret

A pitcher of water in the fridge so you always have some cold water to drink

The world's gonna do what it does

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States

May 15, 2015

There Is a Square Named Every Day

I want to write in code all night

I want to peel progressively bigger and more useless things

People memorize things, other people write them down

Planes fly overhead

And those same planes are taking people from point A to point B and most of those planes will make it, but that doesn't make it mean anything

Think of a lattice, not a metaphorical one

I guess a framework would be a better example

Take a solid and melt it and then boil that

I'm not trying to describe how the Earth came to be

But that did take a while

First came before seconds

That's just common sense

There comes a point where you need to stand on something

Coronets, columns, conifers

As opposed to continuances not the paper that carries them and all these other things in the air between us

There is a war going on

And a collection of coins right where you need it

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States

May 11, 2015

The Way You Pronounce Everybody, I Think You Mean It


And what happens to their skin

Tensile strength, changes in

Champions on every corner

What fish think of waves

And snow drifts make you remember sand banks and grass is what is important to a dune

When you hunker down and believe in canned foods

Direct sunlight

Accidental dispersion

The rise and fall of emotions like someone planned it

Because someone did

And, they, too, are growing

Location:Glen Allen Dr,Baltimore,United States

May 9, 2015

Flow Meter, Assembly Acquired

All of the work that goes into making a single good brick

A sample of pond water teeming with flagellates and amoebas and such

At the same time, piles on top of piles as far as the eye can see

Hubble's anniversary and we're seen much much more now

I've been thinking of information as reality selling itself short in favor of structure

And that keeps switching states with what that guy said last night about Dylan and Truth except the words all being changed

Because thoughts on top of thoughts

Because ideas live someplace different with its different rules

And here I am in this place

On a couch

Waiting to get my haircut

I could try and show you what the flood looks like, but who has time for that?

Or that's what I've been doing all along

I mean recent years

There's a sidewalk on either side of the road

And everyone is moving

And there's a bit of a wind

Then so much else

Location:Crittenton Pl,Baltimore,United States