October 1, 2017

I See You There with Your Zero Fucks

And I’m the guy with all the fucks

There are so many great dams in the world generating so much power but the Hoover seems the only one I can name so picture it

Those crazy power poles jutting out sideways all the way down have stuck with me

Just like so much of that drive from Virginia to San Diego and so much of the sprint back

Just one finger, just one story, just one hill or one cloud or one night

Find some thread and unspool it

Find a bag and rip it open, rip it up

My beard grows a little everyday and grows a little whiter

I wear what I wanna a little more often

I see a lotta sunrises

I wear what I wanna a little more often

And boulders and chainlink fences and knots, y’all

The winds at my back, the winds in my face, the sun’s up high but shadows all around

I need water and all I have are Sundays stretches out all around me

I need water and

I’m the guy with all the fucks or I wish I was

I wish I were

I wash a lot, I wear a lot, I wind it out

Location:Scott Dr,Baltimore,United States