April 7, 2009

The Name Tag Project (4/3/09 & 4/4/09)

"Imagine a total freak show of an arts event, with over 1,000 people, moving among 6 floors of insane interactive performance, dressed up in all kinds of god-knows-what. Then, picture our friend Jamie, in a crisp suit, with a name tag, passing out name tags. To over 800 people.

"It really changed the nature of the space, and led to lots of great conversations and good connections.

"Simple action. Big impact. Maybe you had to be there to really get how awesome it was, but trust me, it was awesome."

That's Adam Good describing the performance piece I did on Friday and Saturday nights at the Transmodern Festival (an annual performance and installation art festival in Baltimore, six years running). In the photos, the blue tags are from Friday, and the red ones from Saturday.

If you have pictures from those nights of people wearing the name tags in any setting (some of my faves were the folks that wore them out on the town all night -- they had great stories) -- whether they are legible in the photo or not -- reach out to me through flickr, I'd love to include them in the slide show! (And sorry if a few extras show up -- like that hangman kid -- I'll make the tag crazier next time.)

Otherwise get your google on and see more about all the great things that happened at Transmodern this year.

Note, this counted for my "one-a-day" pieces for Saturday, April 3 and Sunday, April 4. I wrote over 800 names by hand -- it counts!


Ryan W. said...

I must report... It didn't register that Jamie was performing. I just thought of it as... he was a volunteer. Which is really no different. So, that's good. At this event, I ran into someone I used to work with and whose name I couldn't remember. I was stressing about not being able to remember her name and this went on for a good half hour, wondering if I should just avoid... Then I realized she probably had a name tag on. As soon as I had that thought, I remembered her name.

Jamie Perez said...

That = success for me on so many fronts... in two days full of successes. Thanks for being there!