I went home and drank a beer in the backyard, standing on a chair and looking around the neighborhood over the fence. It's a momentary-perspective-shifter kind of movie... like The Wrestler without all the ugh, or Pecker. But maybe those are two more cases of "I'm the only one that feels that way."
Last night (Saturday), J and I checked out Times New Viking at the Talking Head. Also good stuff. You should check them out, too. Unless you don't like things that are fast, loud, and fuzzy. If you don't like those things, then you probably don't like me. Thanks for the much needed company J.
No problem -- that show was great.
I realized yesterday that I was in that Arbouretum video with that girl at the bar (Hannah). My memory is shit... or she looked way different. Yeah.
Made little tiny i.e. Reader flyers that I'll drop off at their dinner/poem event at the Zodiak on Thursday.
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