Who's your mastery?
What's your last, best damage? Or chainsaw? Or spoon?
How are you doing over there with your evolving sense of self?
I'm me.
And then I'm me. And so on.
I have all these great pictures to stitch together into fantastic panoramas and domestic oddities but it keeps crashing when I go to save them.
I should update the OS on this thing, I'm just afraid of whatever time-consuming hiccup I'll hit.
It's all about time and then I'm me again -- but not all over.
I need to be doing this more often.
I have a backlog.
I need to tell you about the songs Sweatpants once covered.
I need to tell you about iPhone voice control and how tools train us even while we train them and how learning's always a two-way street.
I need to tell you about how male spiders are just the way female spiders talk to one another over generations.
I need to tell you about clothes I'm getting rid of, places I'm going and want to go, this sabbatical I want to plan, my birthday, what my daughter is up to, more San Francisco and some New York.
Being overwhelmed by so many things; sunlight; lunar eclipses; the God particle; the super-organism that once comprised all the life on Earth and how I think it's still that way, really; the speed of light problem.
What do you need?
There's time.
Why don't you come over.
We'll have a drink.
I want to show you all these books I'm gonna read.
Location:Union Dr,College Park,United States
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