A ball wants a ring
Or a goal or a target
Effort wants a bar at reasonable height
Flow is a different concept in the Gulf vs. say the pool
The sun does what the sun always does and will always do
Calculus taught you about the way limits create new and useful truths because Plato was pretty much full of shit
Harvard is older than calculus
Most of what you know to be now is only a couple generations old
Seriously, we went to the moon like yesterday but also just a smidge more than my lifetime ago
What is ocean ore?
What is a square root really all about?
Balancing the horseradish, working on salt levels, the amount of time you'll spend outside today
Time here vs. time in pages vs. time sleeping
There have been all kinds of wars over the past 100 years
We've just started understanding the role gut bacteria plays
Invasive species go on invading, unlike the British who've taken a break from that rambunctious shit for the most part
People posture wise with phrases like too soon to tell and broken alliteration and rhyming
A metaphor is not the real thing
Volume is just volume and nothing else in both instances
Logarithms vs. algorithms
Wednesday vs. Thursday in a vacation week
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