August 5, 2014

This and Then

More on the inside /and/ Bring it inside

We look around a black hole to see a black hole /or/ I'll show you spin and speed and violence

As in tearing / As in gnashing

Claws, teeth, feathers, streaks of light

Your hair in the morning

Salt on your skin

I didn't know this was where I'd end up

A lot of everything is soaking into my skin

I fell asleep in the sun but didn't burn and so many other miracles

I sweated out a hundred bad days

Woke up lighter and better

Look at the edges of things when they catch fire

This and See the sun bleaching everything when you are in the shade

Think about time and now

Then don't think for stretches

You're not turning anything

And all the goals are outward

Location:Perdido Key Dr,Pensacola,United States