August 2, 2024

Distance Is

Onions have layers and find themselves in all kinds of metaphors.

I first learned to cook some Indian dishes and Italian red sauce and they always seemed very similar.

Something is always next to something else whether it matters or not and then it matters.

Waves are functions in some circles.

Directions seem arbitrary to me, but I don’t think about that too often.

I’ve been trying to be here more, but I don’t know what that means to all this —

To everything I was trying to be and become before.

I know all-or-nothing thinking is a trap, and I see it all around me.

The lobster boats start early, the sun goes down early, everything is wet.

Books on books on books on books.

What do you want? Where are you going?

They know their ice cream around here, they’re my people that way.

The little loops still bug me sometimes and I know that’s about me not the little loops.

Coins have two sides, that’s what so fucking boring about them.