August 3, 2024


I wanna spout some bullshit like,
The body is strange
But the mind is stranger,
Bullshit that sounds good but I don’t believe in.

I’ve been alive 50 years to see so many dangerous things,
I’ve been alive 50 years to see so many wondrous things,
I’ve made lots and lots and lots of decisions,
So many decisions that my favorite thing to do on vacation is not make any real decisions and just be.

But it doesn’t always work out that way and that’s okay.
I’ve gotten better and I’ve probably also gotten worse,
Like it’s funny the unexpected vanities that rise up.
Fuck them, but there they are saying fuck you right back.

As in lanterns, mirrors, cairns, talismans, temples.
Delicate boats built in bottles. And storms in old coffee mugs.