There were far fewer Americans named Perez when I was young
But I guess there were far fewer Americans, too
And now a Perez is driving in a run against the O's in the 8th and how am I supposed to feel about that
Early May and behind late
Rain never came delay
Digital pedals vs. analog pedals
Fuzz is fuzz
And a brokedown amp is rarely the culprit
Or the king
Stories about the King
Carpets throughout Graceland
Paul Simon, too
A mess, I say
And soon, crab season
Sun, sweat, short pants, short nights
Sunburns feel best at night -- like on-board air conditioning
I remember Summers in Long Island
Jones Beach, softshell crabs fried and in white bread, Mel Brooks movies and me missing a lot of the jokes
I'm rambling
Let's go, Nick
Location:Portland St,Baltimore,United States
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