A lot of things on my mind and I think I'm gonna take a bath
Read up on Jasper Johns chilling in the bath drawing draw-rings and painting pitchers
Baseball this afternoon and I'll work on vitamin D
But the system's been delicate, so best eat better
If pressure is measured in atmospheres what do we measure useless pressure in?
What about dangerous pressure?
And what do you do with the can the whoop-ass came in after you are done whopping ass?
Rear Window is on my mind, and time with you
Things happening in Seattle are on my mind, and Australia
New Zealand, New York, Vancouver, North Korea, South Korea
Languages flow and people flow with them
Languages flow and food is made
I loved my Commodore 64, I loved notching an extra notch in a floppy with a hole-puncher
I loved Pogo Joe -- that Qbert rip-off, and finally getting to some "you won something" screen, though we hadn't won anything because we illegally copied the game and surely the contest was months or years over
Ultima IV and V with their maps and accoutrement and chasing after good times I'd had with friends in Massachusetts playing Ultima III (on their Apple II? Really? I must be remembering that wrong)
And that Greek gods game that was bad ass
I'm sure this wasn't the first time I'd learned that sometimes things will never be the same
Sometimes the story is better
Sometimes the picture or the video is better
Often the movie is better
And this is all exceedingly scary when you think about it
Enjoy your everything, everywhere you are, and I'll dig on mine
Location:Dover St,Baltimore,United States
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