You'd say it comes on in the oddest places
If you didn't have a map
And a well-worn list of omens
When the boredom of cause-and-effect finally breaks you
He who controls the speed of light controls nothing
He who walks in a straight line is re-enacting yesteryear's fantasies
He who echoes into the future is a source of signals surrounded by reflective surfaces
A mirror makes a nice gift
A sheet of polished aluminum makes a good gift
A sealed concrete floor makes a good gift
There is the brash student finding patience and a well of unending power by knifing fingers into raw rice hour after hour
There is the brash student finding his keys, the laundry detergent, the correct train
There is the brash student, watch his brash wash away with the years
There is the brash student, he looks much better with the haircut
Recognize. Re-supply. Stabilize. Syncopate. Trundle, trundle, trundle. Eulogize. Un-end this right.
Right this day.
I belong to
You belong to
Better days
Location:Melvin Dr,Baltimore,United States
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