I heard some of my favorite French words while laying face down on a towel on the hard-scrabble sand (does sand get hard-scrabble) of a beach in John Pennekamp (sp?) State Park
Sur la plage
And my other favorite French floated through my head and I wished it all spoken by this family wherever they were from and wherever they were going
La piscine
En plein-air
I'm surprised I didn't think about chouette at the time, but am now
I like how easy less common characters are on my phone
And I love its sense of what I meant when I head off somewhere new
Courtesy and plain and all kinds of help
I have this new crowd-sourcing app of sorts that's going to come in handy for writing
First up is something about a tomato that I'll share soon
And an image and text tool, too, that will be gobs of useful
I'm reading a lot
I'm doing a lot
This weather is unreal and I wish I could keep it going a couple weeks longer
Deletions, selections, false croppings, and false crops
A V in wood and a cross bar -- more wood -- and a pad and a non-skid stopper of a thing
I want to be better at languages
Life has made me better with geography, but I'm still far from good
Acceptable, pride-inspiring, and a third thing
The night is dragging on
The moon drags the oceans around
It misses them
To steel cores slowly dance in molten everything
Ferris wheels
Cotton candy
Funnel cake
Can can, can do
We're so so proud of all the whys and what-fors
What fits is what sits
And orders from the breakfast menu
Because 11am comes at the same time this time of year
Now skedaddle
Location:Harbor Dr,Key Largo,United States