March 31, 2012
Review: Fjords Vol.1
Fjords Vol.1 by Zachary Schomburg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
My final take: the book suddenly became a tarot deck in the remaining pages. That's the best I could explain it. Abstract, surreal, and just on the edge of sense, just about to tell you something about your life, if you let it.
View all my reviews
Lots of Books Have Been Written
Violent and unintentional
Acquaintances from Shanghai, India, Japan
Unbreakable codes
Rampant insanity
New friends, old stories
The translating will never end
Rows upon rows of lives upon lives
We once feared the mail would never stop, huddled over our sorting tables in the cost-efficient fluorescent light
You were trying to cut back on coffee -- unfortunately tea leaves me feeling dehydrated
You were quitting smoking
You were trying to eat healthier and exercise
You were trying to live on less, eat local, cut out wheat, vote your conscience
Choices, choices everywhere
Now we fear the day the mail stops
We'll be left to figure out what those lights did to us
And how the sorting changed us forever
Look at all this gray
Look at these medical bills
There was a creek we used to fish in back in Massachusetts. We'd ride our bikes there and we'd rarely catch anything.
The fish are gone now
The creek is gone
And bikes are extinct at last.
Location:Portland St,Baltimore,United States
March 26, 2012
Everything, Everything
The sum of time
The son of the valley
The alley of our youths
The plane.
The plane.
Plebiscite for your thoughts
Lobster of your desire
Longevity for a horse for an hour for a broken down windmill
They ring the valley and they plod
They exchange
They never had the chance for perfection
Hold so still the world will never end; or
Move so fast you never will
It doesn't get any easier
It doesn't get any bigger
And then breathing
The shiny school
The patent clerk
The forgetful one
For here?
No. I gotta get back.
The game's on.
Location:Portland St,Baltimore,United States
March 24, 2012
This Day Is For Fortune; This Day Is for Everyone
Trayvon Martin's on my mind
And chanting and basketball players in protest hoodies and what's next
See shivers in your spine and go at them
Because go at them hard is our son
Senseless shit's gonna happen is our son
Sense of justice is our son
Wear a helmet learning to ride a bike is our son
Driving while black is our son
Hold the line and not on my watch is our son, too
I love this country and I do believe justice will be able to legally marry forgiveness in every state some day
I believe you can hold a picture in your head and then bend the whole world to it
It's been a while of too much bending to bad pictures
Hold onto good pictures is our son
Will you help me raise him?
I believe it takes faster-than-light light and I believe you can do it
Is our son in America today?
Is our son saving daylight?
Does our son know courage?
Does he know the many faces of conviction?
Stand up and be counted with our son
Always more standing up, always too few helmets to go around, but also setting bones and always Saturdays
I don't even know what I'm getting ready for
I didn't bring any facts
I'm trying my shoes
Location:Portland St,Baltimore,United States
Current Events,
March 23, 2012
The Wicked and the Dead
Sleep is for
Foolish consistency is for
Idle time is for
Yesterday's paper is good for
And good for various kinds of analysis -- qualitative, quantitative, verbal, specific, numeric, etc.
"I didn't intend what I said to be real"
And / or
"I didn't mean that as fact"
And / or
"I was trying to be true"
Or True or the Truth
Does the Answer play for Boston?
The Answer. The Truth. Beast. Big Man. Timmy. Yaz. The Iron Man. Dr. J.
Nicknames are the best. They're the real deal.
Dear sirs and madams,
Bees, in fact, don't have knees
Sleep is not for meth addicts
When they are in the throes of the demon synthetic
Reminder: Organic solvents were what used to make decaf coffee a bad idea and dry cleaning iffy
But I love a good hook like everyone else
I really don't believe there is a hidden meaning we should be looking for, but I struggle to take that feeling all the way to the ground
Sorta like ground and round have no connection outside of a butcher's shop
Well, more likely a butcher's counter in these parts
And French for ground and French for round have even less connection
Less than no
You know what I mean
And that I mean it from one way -- the kind of way that leads you to have your minions excise the excess words from Shakespeare's sonnets
I mean, how foolish is that?
How foolish is every tree? Every dogwood. Every skyscraper.
I am really starting to think I'll never get to visit an asteroid belt in this lifetime -- and I've never really thought there'd be another
At least I believe that you're you
And you're not out to get me, no matter what time it is or what dumb-assed thing I've managed to say
Dear OED explorer trawling the web. I hope you find this note and add "shit-ton" to the dictionary. It is such a great phrase-cum-word. It does such a great job of conveying an idea, an attitude, a cultural moment. What more do you want? I know, right? I don't doubt Google will show off its popularity and utility if you have reservations.
If you already have it on the docket. Excellent! I should check that OED more often (aka ever aka Little Johnny One Note aka the Brockton Bomber aka Sweet Cheeks aka the best damned cat I've ever known).
Sleep tight Spooky. Sleep tight Zelda. And sleep tight all the other animals great and small that I've loved and who have shed their living selves. You guys were awesome.
Location:S Hanover St,Baltimore,United States
Current Events,
March 19, 2012
Got My Eyes On Right
Quickly, right.
Effect, right.
Barter quickly, right.
The circles say attack, or more likely "pounce first, pounce hardl
Hospitals on every block.
Funeral homes on every other
Spells Philadelphia
Spells daffodils, goes to Oxford on leave
Lifting upwards
The difference between the roof and the ceiling
The space between the spacer and the fire
Beautiful house, how did you get so beautiful?
Can you sunder ice?
Can you smite a virus?
Can a blind telepath see through someone else's eyes?
Pools of blood
The mad scientist using this particular moment and this particular card game to finally tell the truth, but you've treated him the other way for so long
Like too strong to the rim and/or anticipating the blow and/or the pendulum
The deepest pit of inertia
Your favorite gravity well
The hottest new heat sinks
If I told you it was thermodynamics all the way down, you'd call me a liar
Nobody ever expects 2 + 2
And I've got all your nobody right here
Location:Dover St,Baltimore,United States
March 18, 2012
There Is Ice Cream Dripping from the Ceiling and Butterflies in Your Eyes
From good at everything to bad at everything in seconds
Survivors all around us, and I never got you the right backpack
Sideways glances are a map of my failures
We listen to experts and they teach us expressions
We listen to experts and they help us see the world better
We pay them or pay them off every day so we can continue on our merry way
There will be lunch
There will be dinner
There will be a third line with an extended phrasing that's the crutch cliché
Crutch as a cane to hold up your ear or a conveyance to keep your wholer head moving down the road
Your body follows as the crutch flips from one to the other and then it's both
The color wheel spins itself into white
It is not a winter's day
It is not a lion's day
I can't possibly wrap a blanket around all this
I can't buy enough helmets or mats or antibiotics
There is the evil you can't beat because in beating it you become that evil
There is the evil you can't beat because in beating it you create another and greater evil
You crush all the embodiments and vehicles
You disrupt channels and stunt waves
There is the evil you can't beat because even though it is small, it never rests and yet you must. And someone will eventually doze off on the watch no matter how elaborate and double-proofed your buddy system
There are inhuman evils and you are human
There is the evil you can't beat because it's just so damned big and better and stronger
The evils that scare you
The evils that lull you into taking them lightly
The evils that are invisible, undetectable
There are evils you invite into your home unwittingly and the evils you welcomed with open arms knowing what they were and, god, what were you thinking?
If you were created in anyone's image, that's where you learned resting
That's where you learned breathing
That's where you learned to convert sugar into ATP and power this very dynamo
The ghost of citric acids
The Kreb's Cycle round and round forever passed on to children or the many many things and systems and processes that will feast on your flesh when you're gone
Your mind is the cage
Your body will set you free
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Sunlight somethings
Soaked in, scared, the scars will come
The flesh will envelop, the flesh will yield, the flesh will overcome, the flesh will melt
The flesh will burn and tan and blemish and cancer up
The eyes will tear and close and see and witness
The witness will buckle and doubt and stand firm
Four on the floor
Can you help you?
Moving forever
March 16, 2012
There Will Always Be a Winner and There Will Always Be a Shadow Except in Cases of Complete Darkness
Shadow after shadow
Day after day
I'm standing at a safe distance where I'll be safely unaware of the results
Forced marches. Thought patterns going extinct every day.
This very day just disappearing without so much as a poof.
Pixels on pixels vs. the quiet and the loud
The quietest sound ever sounded archetype
The loudest sound ever ignored cliché
Fingernails soothing your still-beating heart
Trickeries of lighting and make-up and costumery and editing and montage
Your head is putting it all together
Sugar burns. Oil burns. Grease burns. Third degree burns. Burnsides' best work. Behest a burn and behest it well.
Deep burnt trenches. Burnt sienna. Brown and brown followed by more brown still.
In-jokes vs. irony? Nobody wins.
Stand up comedy vs. stand-up guy? Depends on what you're looking for.
Mr. Right Now? Depends on whether a pile of insecurities on your couch at 3 in the morning is the kind of right now you are looking for.
Or digestive disturbances.
Or psychotic episodes.
Or a skull-drenching fear that knows to hide in the corner of his eyes whenever you're around
What with your decisions
And your smart scarves
Sunglasses, handbags, shoes, meals at regular hours, laundry done, laundry folded, alarms sounding, showers, more meals, travel.
Travel, travel, travel, travel.
Travel, travel, travel, travel.
Breathe deeply.
Count up the miles.
Let it begin.
March 13, 2012
When Your Gifts Come Home to Roost from Another Direction and Nobody's Happy With It
Full plane on the way to Dallas and then on to Austin
That guy is sitting next to me
That guy is sitting next to me, but I'd hoped burying myself in this great Sunday Times Magazine story about these girls outside Rochester with tics and seizures would carry me through
But you know where I'm going with this
And I'm too tired to read to much
And I just kinda have to pee enough that I can't really quasi-sleep or rest or whatever
And I'm in the window seat and don't feel like making two people get up to resolve that
I think everyone has a little algorithm I their head that balances their own discomfort against the imposition it would be on folks around you to resolve said discomfort
This gotta-pee discomfort is wicked mild
I've said it before, I've driven across six states needing to pee before
So I can surely fly across six
I think my algorithm is for shit, though and I shouldn't sweat a little more harmless disruption for strangers a little more often
Shit I disrupt the hell out of people I know all the time -- why not share said gift with the wider world
"The wider world" sounds real nice -- I bet it'd feel nice in my mouth
"Hypermarché" nice? Doubtful. Few things feel that nice.
Mabeline. Navel orange. Ice cream just starting to melt. The patient tongue of someone you're digging hard. Just about anything in the right amphetamine moment -- but especially your own tongue.
Heraclitus? Maybe.
Orientalist? In more than one way.
Does xenophillic have an organic chemistry or internal medicine meaning? I'm going to start using it to mean "orientalist" in a positive way cuz I don't think you can get away with positive orientalism in 2012
But mayhaps losing the capital O softens the blow.
There is entendre all over the place
Is that guy's incessant app advice to that other guy rewiring pathways?
That other guy is off to the bathroom
Maybe I should make a move
Too late
Blessed silence
I'm guessing this is worthless, but I'm to blame
My bad
March 11, 2012
It Winds in Both Directions
End. Madness. Ice. Signs. Singing. Deluge, deluge, deluge.
Deee-sexy in the heart.
Deee-scrumptious in my belly if my belly weren't so sad.
A weekend of ideas that could power an entire year.
Monkeys. Typewriters. Handcuffs. Ash trays. The 70s.
Blot out your tremors.
Did a stentasaurus ever walk the earth?
I've walked many miles in my shoes, but not this particular pair.
I've never had these shoes on Bourbon Street either.
I bought them with euros.
Can you see me kicking back on a yatch in a Polo windbreaker? It'd have to be yellow. And aviators. No shoes. Turks & Caicos. Dollar bills -- lots and lots of 'em.
I just don't see it.
I want to be seafaring people. But more I want to be good people.
I'm not built for single servings.
If famine comes, I usually tell people within a year of meeting them, kill me first. I burn hot.
I'm a waste machine.
I'm telling you this now to save time later.
Time we'll use on shared strengths or foraging.
I wish I had smarter shirts.
I wish I was comfortable wearing a hat.
But at least I have these eyelashes and a gift for gab.
Location:S Greene St,Baltimore,United States
March 8, 2012
There Is Nothing Instant
Not here, not now
Not your first born and frogs and sacred meals
Not living in Paris with a nanny and a personal chef
Not feeling so hot, but looking forward to early morning coffee and comfy clothes
I've spent my day in Baltimore and D.C.
I wrapped up the Oregon trail at the zoo, because this is the 21st century
I'll need the weekend to figure this week out
In my bones
Get some sushi
Watch king fu movies
Feel the wind wrap around my body and then it is gone
The wind
And there is my body. Blinking
Location:Emory St,Baltimore,United States
March 7, 2012
Updated Updates Up in Here
You feel it coming on
There is knocking and then there is a door
Knock, knock, knocking, as they say
They are right, they are the smartest room, they know the secrets of the pink moon and blue moons and the too tired stories about studies of crime waves in London
If you ask me, they have nothing better to do
Aka All They Want to Do Is Dance (and make sweet romance)
You can't kid a kidder
You can't even kid a kid if she isn't in the mood to pay attention
You see
It all comes down to attention
Flashing lights, a handful of wit, a winter-shortened day
Witchcraft vs. aircraft, who wins?
Withcraft vs. hovercraft. No brainier.
The artificial heart vs. messenger RNA?
Christ almighty vs. lord bless us and save us?
I don't even know how to spell Aramaic so there goes that even if the robots are gonna swoop in and save the day.
Peace be with you robots.
Think on photosynthesis.
Totally. Badass.
Location:Portland St,Baltimore,United States
March 5, 2012
Let's Keep This
The plural of deer
The plural of country
The plural of everything
Let's keep this sweet
Keep it moving until we find the newest circle
Ring around the things you care about
In writing
In the Wish Book
Remember the winter creeping in, and your new sneakers getting less new every day
From white to any hundred off-whites
First real scuff you couldn't wait for
They pile up and dirt on laces
Thin, glossy pages full of possible dreams
When did flowers enter my life?
When did I first want everything?
Location:W Pratt St,Baltimore,United States
March 4, 2012
Surely Not the Last Story on Tails
"Poker face" is apparently Japanese for "poker face"
There are things you know and then there are things
There are tails you have and understand and wish you never had
These tails follow us, of course, and they rarely help us balance
You tear a weed and try to capture all its roots
There are irises in my eyes
Childish drawings, fallen trees, snowfall, endless tomorrows like sunsets like my hunger for mochi
Not a northern state full of lakes
Not of hidden notebooks
The shape, the size, an island city built on an island built in far more than a day
Hundreds of years pass: flowers, silt, tectonic movement, cultures come and go, vocabulary mutates
Safety pins, sliced bread, the World Series, the search for Big Foot
It keeps going on and on
Foie gras on Sunday
Graduations on Saturday
Always pals
Forever pals
Location:Melvin Dr,Baltimore,United States
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