Trayvon Martin's on my mind
And chanting and basketball players in protest hoodies and what's next
See shivers in your spine and go at them
Because go at them hard is our son
Senseless shit's gonna happen is our son
Sense of justice is our son
Wear a helmet learning to ride a bike is our son
Driving while black is our son
Hold the line and not on my watch is our son, too
I love this country and I do believe justice will be able to legally marry forgiveness in every state some day
I believe you can hold a picture in your head and then bend the whole world to it
It's been a while of too much bending to bad pictures
Hold onto good pictures is our son
Will you help me raise him?
I believe it takes faster-than-light light and I believe you can do it
Is our son in America today?
Is our son saving daylight?
Does our son know courage?
Does he know the many faces of conviction?
Stand up and be counted with our son
Always more standing up, always too few helmets to go around, but also setting bones and always Saturdays
I don't even know what I'm getting ready for
I didn't bring any facts
I'm trying my shoes
Location:Portland St,Baltimore,United States
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