June 29, 2013
What Color
Night time. Pink. Putrescence and the quality thereof. Rhetoric against inhumanity. The page, remember that.
Thingness vs. thinginess. Thinking thin ice. Frenchmen walking.
Bread buying. Future markets. And it was time to reset the units. To set it straight.
Re-straighten. Straits of Magellan. Iberian Penninsula. Sino-U.S. relations. Who put the station in station wagons?
Left hook. A well-cared for place where people play golf.
Rainbows over Baltimore, IRL.
June 26, 2013
It Was Taco Night
I've been up too long
Others would say I've slept too little
There's that guy who goes and lives in caves for really long stretches and his circadian rhythms get all out of whack
There are types of training that take years, if not decades, and it's not even like you're gonna be a Navy S.E.A.L.
White expanses become static and become white expanses again
Field, fields, screens, windows
Negotiating a view-port is no way to live your life
Taco night happened
Reality does not end at your ability to understand it, but some say it does end at our ability to observe it
I'm not sure where I land on that one
I'm not sure I have to
And then there's Europe. All of it.
June 25, 2013
Funnier Things Have Happened
Funnier things have happened
So the tyranny of pretty shit
So the days that come one after another
Again, dinner while the sun is shining
Waves meet solid boundary
Rudders and steering wheels and all sorts of helpful things
The sextant is an invention like language
Is a technology, is engineered
Look down the road like language
By the pool, belly up to sunshine like language
The mechanics of a change up or a drop shot or a good feint like language
Then the grit whether the teeth kind of the eye kind
June 23, 2013
I Don't Get Everything That's Going on Here
It's like I have this new pencil and it has the GPS in it, but it doesn't know how to sing the place
It's like the sun has gone red and the sky has gone black and we're all exhaling like there's no tomorrow
It's like winter is here, but the days are still absurdly long, and we eat outside in parkas past 8pm with the cold sun shining down on us
Let us say this and let us say that
Let it all grow
Water falls from great heights and pools down low
Ambling on stairs, mewling in basements
Left to the sun, and left to sing
Left to the way things are and re way things were
Amber waves of amber light, late autumn
Can you tuck yourself away and wait for morning to come?
Ever ready, ever ready, ever after
What's next
June 22, 2013
On location
Blister pack
Falling and waiting
Crumpled plastic crumpling
Chinese food for breakfast
Breakdance, point break, poinsettia
Here and ever after
Safety dance, if you want to
Don't look back anyhow
Count seeds, count saviors
Simple simple simpler
New vs. Not Something You've Heard Before
Words only have baggage if someone in the speaking / listening chain is aware of the baggage, right?
That's Bertha
Very few rules weigh in at 100%
And then a reminder that a goal in life isn't to be beyond reproach -- at least my life
Defensible vs. useful vs. let's get it done
Locking arms together as we drive the car over a Texas cliff or stare down an advancing phalanx of not-good vs. locking arms at the beginning of the wrestling match
Trading arms, getting guns off the street, letter writing campaigns
And then the All Boats Rise
And then the Been There, Done That
And then the Are We There Yet?
Sometimes a tie is what you use to close up a garbage bag
Sometimes you're good to go
June 21, 2013
June 19, 2013
So Yeah Selfie Again Biology and There's That
What I forgot was that I accepted it at first
There's somebody with a bag over his head
There's somebody on TV right now by the hundreds
There are China-scale audiences in China
They show you this thing and then this other thing and there is an arc and it reminds you of a rock in flight
But not just any rock
Oh, Henry! Come on now.
Come one and all
Come back now, ya hear
Come all ye faithful
Comets rained on the Earth, but the dinosaurs were long gone this time
The thing that survived is the thing that went to ground
+++ The Week Ahead or Just Past Interlude +++
(with thanks to Anna and others)
Manic Monday
Taco Tuesday
Weigh-in Wednesday
Thirsty Thursday
Freaky Friday
S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!
Sunday, bloody Sunday
Something has to come after or else I'm a liar
Leave balance to your yoga instructor
And finish for stock photography
And faking it for making it
You'll be asleep before you know it
June 18, 2013
Rescue from Sinking Car
Where go particles, so go collisions
Where goes this world, so goes consumption
Gravity or whatever it is, refraction, repulsion, Bernouli's Principle, Brownian motion
All these things happen
There are kids with there math and old men with their older math
There are new numbers all the time and some times new math, too
Secondary sexual characteristic vs. First World concerns vs. the end-state Corvette, yet again
Like Tuesday vs. Wednesday or beige vs. ivory
Ashes to ashes is a must
A gyroscope suited to the age is a must
You crush the ground you walk on
The following services are available for your convenience
Not So Easily Fooled, These Good Citizens
O say what do I say
Not so easily fooled, these good citizens
These hearty citizens
These farms stocks
I don't know what I'm saying, in fact
It's late and my back is killing me
I've been perusing Appalachia again far past my bedtime
I've watched my team fall to tigers
I've seen a man in a red tie sing old songs that were new and back again
There are term limits among the many limits available
There is, of course, the speed of light with its promise that things will never change
There is the impossibility of now and now much like getting there by getting halfway there at a time
There is everything at once, now, and the mad romp that offers that is now normal
Just like teleporting will be normal and distance rendered something different like the train and the telegraph then timezones then telephones them half-timezones then the Internet and so forth
Just like the brain being unlocked with its dynamic arrays and then cascades of proteins and then it will all be ours to declare some new kind of zones and all kinds of important things will be rendered moot once again
What's next? Who will have it?
I doubt it'll be in English, but I'm sure it will translate this into something I don't know the first thing about, when some bored future state asks itself, whaddya think we got here?
That's not why we do it
At least most of us
Like the interglacials, this is the time between beers with people you care about
People who are sorting through things and want to tell you about it
And want to hear what you have to say after
June 16, 2013
Father's Day Open Thread
MELVIN DRIVE (inside and out)
What is your dream job?
Let me think. Right now, a novelist
And my dream to-do is to spend my mornings writing little bits of scifi and fantasy.
Is that Where the Wild Things Are?
No it's a girl in a bear suit.
Oh. Right.
Can I read you this story?
Yes. Please.
Do you want to hear this?
It's Bloomsday, don't you know?
June 15, 2013
Whoever Controls the River Controls the Movement of Goods through the Heartland
June 12, 2013
This Is a Story

This is what happens when nobody died
When everybody is gonna be OK
Sometimes the wagons are circled and the unceremoniously burned to the ground
It makes a ring of ashes
The grass doesn't grow for a while
And then there are glaciers and erosion, shorelines change, species emerge, the sun arcs
If there are two things, there is a time in between them
There are spaces for learning
There is growth
There are plants that consume sunlight every single day, and that's crazy
There is organic chemistry and the history if the universe and even things we can depend on
There will be things that are equal and you will find them
The day will come to an end and you will sleep
Beyond that, breakfast
Location:Melvin Dr,Baltimore,United States
June 10, 2013
One Two Three-and-More

Stilton. No pressure. Longer words amid accents.
Midship. The Last Sailor. Moonlight. Monday night.
Charging feet first. Margarine before morning. Migration meant well.
Location:Melvin Dr,Baltimore,United States
June 9, 2013
Ways of Seeing Something and Then Saying Something

Ways of stringing together a couple days and calling it something
Ways of sitting back and measuring a bunch's worth, bunching after bunching
But I'm really thinking buckets and wanted to try and keep you with me a little better, for once

Fabric. Brick. Surface and material, but I've never found time to sweat the science of donuts and tubes. It just doesn't get me going.
Breakfast. Health. Finances. Sunshine. Thinking about other people's future, too.
Some hard work.

Meeting all kinds of people again and it's been a while.
All kinds of loud and it's been a while.
An entirely separate something could grow here, but won't under current conditions.
Remembering how many choices there are out there to be made.

If I could pick a superpower, photosynthesis would be high on my list.
And to think how late grass evolved.
Aside: the placebo effect is still an effect.
June 5, 2013
It Would Be Easier If You Could Trust Everything To Be Dead in the Dead of Night

Don't make a habit of surrounding yourself with terrible things
Avoid swimming in pools of acid and/or lakes of fire
Study the necessity of sadness
Mimetic, pathetic, pipette
Prince of pearl
Stop meaning for me
Stipulate your surrender
There will be his judo where digital code -- which is driven through language-based instruction and calculation -- creates extra-language experience and it will be wild
Pre-language? Ultra-language?
I guess that was all an aside, but it ran across my mind earlier today in a meeting and I scribbled it down
I didn't want to forget it
Even if it isn't going anywhere yet
Animals riding animals
The War of 1812
That Javitts Center fee you get hit with when you stay at a hotel in New York
I'm thinking about a lot of things, I guess
Location:Portland St,Baltimore,United States
June 4, 2013
No! Still Means "No" Even When You're Quoting Fictional Utterances of an Actual Cat

Blow out, be it Brazilian of by way of Boston
A dearth of thievery
The suburbanization of poverty is a real problem
Rising loss of life to commuting, made worse with rising healthcare costs, trying to keep track of your family and failing
Trying to keep track of everything
Trying to get more sleep daily
Everything funny ever
Everything heavy or dense or just unwieldy
Your wingspan vs. massive constructions of styrofoam and cloth
Glitter, fake and massive birds of prey, islands, sun, sea-scented breezes or gusts or gales
And then windbreak, paddle boats, chicken-neckers, sunsets, sea grass
Think it out and spell it out then time to turn in
From here
Location:Melvin Dr,Baltimore,United States
Things You May Have Heard Of

So many of the grammatical rules you learned growing up are things made up in the Victorian age to put a stranglehold on language and make the well-off feel weller off
Or the educated feel rich
Or something
Like the scribes that used to have the power
And the head of the Department of Defense is called the Secretary
And the invention of dictionaries or at least the spelling part therein and all kinds of ideas about what smart is
Similarly useless stories about what intelligent is
I wanted to call this "Enter the Laser Cat" and I realize those two pictures add up to better than anything you're reading here
I do volume like nobody's business
Volume loud
Volume amount
Volume like length but cubic
Seriously, this is worth most to me, I'm betting
And I don't mean that as false self-effacement
I just need to wind out
And I'm just throwing triple-pluses when I think I might turn a corner
You can skim ahead
The M in one thousand
A pound of coffee
Predatory behavior
Sing. Sang. Song-bringer. Throat singer. Singed tentacles. A long way home.
Group think. Design by committee. Aren't we all? For here and ever after.
"Secondary Sensibility" is something I should write. I wrote it on a notepad in my car earlier today.
Maybe it's a chapbook dedicated to Justin.
The books I write.
I've been thinking about absurdly long hash tags, too
The ultimate would be 133 characters
But anything so long that you couldn't event retweet it is perfect
Even 50 or 70 char long is good enough
I wonder what it's going to do at the line breaks
I assume just stupidly break
Retreat it. History is always full while storage is always storing more. The end of storage would be quite an event.
Douglas Adams would make some joke about the Big Bang being some accident cause by rampant efficiency at a Self Storage rental place in the previous universe
He'd make it a funny joke, whereas for me it is just another dig at efficiency
What is it good for?
Efficacy. Effaced artifact. Fractured bonds. Leveraged capital. Bartered wounds. Ring. Rang. Favorite towel.
Anybody will tell you, don't even try explaining humor.
Paint is drying
Location:Melvin Dr,Baltimore,United States
June 2, 2013
Platformer, Contrary, Conveyance

Or Sunday check in
Or Sunday and I'm in the sun (for now)
Or I am here
I accidentally deleted an app from the home screen on my phone, but I can't figure out what it was
I want that to be a stand-in for so many other things
But I know that the missing app is something I needed for a situation and I'll remember when it occurs and there I'll be app-less
Like I'll need to diffuse a bomb to save the whole squadron
And I'll be all, well Shazam isn't gonna help me with that
Only the bomb will be inane and the squadron will be my life
And maybe knowing what song I'm hearing will be a different kind if answer
And an opportunity to purchase
Where I'm going with this
Baby blue Members Only jackets on aging war veterans
Confrontations with my classist skeletons
Do you think those kids at breakfast are meth-heads or on the way to it?
Maybe they are on their way out of here
Which is the iconic novel about spending everything on getting out, just to realize that this thing around you was what you wanted all along
Maybe that was Citizen Kane
It wasn't the Great Gatsby was it?
Mayhaps that's what Gangnam Style was all about in the end
Something slower will come
Something that's worth more or does more or is more
And it's likely that depth isn't the answer
Location:Castle St,Salisbury,United States
June 1, 2013
Check In
Deep breath.
A word for this pattern that doesn't take us all down the wrong path.
Pathfinders before they were oversized conveyance.
Departed always dearly.
The Departed and those little papery booties you where over your shoes when you want to keep the situation clean.
Without a trace vs. undisturbed.
As in secrecy and subterfuge vs. prolonging or protecting the integrity of a previous state.
Study. Studied.
Found things.
Cast-off feathers.
Beds if tiny mollusks.
I hope we're all feeling better.
Deep breath.
A word for this pattern that doesn't take us all down the wrong path.
Pathfinders before they were oversized conveyance.
Departed always dearly.
The Departed and those little papery booties you where over your shoes when you want to keep the situation clean.
Without a trace vs. undisturbed.
As in secrecy and subterfuge vs. prolonging or protecting the integrity of a previous state.
Study. Studied.
Found things.
Cast-off feathers.
Beds if tiny mollusks.
I hope we're all feeling better.
Location:Melvin Dr,Baltimore,United States
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