We all want it to be real
We all want to get closer to this
We all want to collapse moments on moments
Views are known to do all kinds of things
Telescope and then leave it
Leave it all behind
Projection and then project and then try it again
You don't have to rinse
It's been raining
You have a box, but you've already taken the gift out of it
You've dug a hole
A river works through canals until it is a river again
Cities rise and fall because time, because the economy, because whims on a huge scale
Cover it all
You got it
Don't be shy
Be be be be be be be
Howso, Howey
How does and goes
Paint it, patent leather, pawnshops, power
Pride, pride, proud
Prance it out
The family that stays together stays together
Location:Wincanton Dr,Fairport,United States
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