April 27, 2012

And Then There's a Hawk (Summer Winds)

There's a second chance

There's many ways to look at it

Sometimes many act as one, but we rarely call attention to the common other way

There's pants and sweatpants and then there's the sweet and the down

Puffy vest vs. Summer?

Summer wins

Neither have hands

Both have sunsets

A smaller group inside of a bigger group inside of the laws of thermodynamics

Feedback all the way down to the ground

A moment of happy memory that isn't gilded

Running from anger like it's the Plague because it turns out to be pretty plague-like

There's a day and another day and another

It's starting to remind me of a wolf dressed to look like a sheep

The many shades of carriage

The after-effects of too much sun

Impacts measured, observed

Measured, observed

Sever, consider, cut, infinitives, more, forward-facing, weekends, catch up, nutrition, pace

The many shades of throttle

A really great pair of socks

More more more more more

Again again

Ever ever ever ever

Over the top, through the bridge, tighten



Location:Emory St,Baltimore,United States