December 14, 2015
Some Cycles and the Other Things
Instagrams of autopsies, no really
Ugly fish
Hands and gloves and hands and glove and hands and hands
Fantastic! Golden everything!
Circulation? Amazing, too
I've had time, I've had places, I've had all vegetable stock
In partnership or not
More sun, more golden, more rest
The things you'll keep doing
Just putting it out there
For everyone
December 2, 2015
And Then Your Next _________
All these different ways to draw
Through your lifetime, around the world
And then funny helmets
And then smoke machines
And then the next day
The great orators of your day vs. your fear of public speaking
All kinds of concepts we learn from astronomy
Different ways of counting vs. the outline of a leaf
A mountain range
Temperature changes as you move around a space
Eventually drones
Lots and lots of drones
December 1, 2015
The Goldfish-to-Bowl Cliché
The relationship of feelings to emotions
The arc that a heavenly body traces across the heavens
Measuring things like belief with measures like depth
I can't even write a good line about gyms and workouts right now
And I still hope to be a drummer in the next life
Location:Odenton Rd,Odenton,United States
November 29, 2015
I Can't Help Myself
Things at the back of your throat
When was the last time you blew into a pinwheel or sang into a fan?
Space for air
Space for recreation
And discovery of all kinds
Things that are discarded vs. things you meant to discard
All the different meanings of all the different words and more waiting
I mean, what do you want?
I mean, this goes with that and then that and then that
Count by fours
Everything is unnatural or everything isn't
When nobody is visceral
When someone is home
When another day is yet another day
Location:Baltimore,United States
November 26, 2015
What Can We Do About Everything?
What do you mean matters?
Unweighted or straight ahead or sounding
Sumptuous something saunters somewhere
Predictions, predation, predestiny
Which capture is your screen capture?
Pic for pic. Precious. The Age.
Echoes on to location.
Echoes on to miles upon miles.
What would you waste?
Everything you've left behind vs. everything left behind vs. everything that's left you behind
Something of a conflicted sense of ownership
Something of gossip and hand-to-hands and where's the snow there's usually snow this time of year here
That's the thing about time
That's the thing about forever everywhere you are
All the things the glaciers did for you and they never even knew it and they never even knew you
Location:Wincanton Dr,Perinton,United States
November 23, 2015
They Hate Angles, Don't They?
Limestone used to be a whole bunch of alive
Gas and oil and diamond, all proof that pressure will do the darnedest things
A taste of this, a taste of that, the sun comes up, the sun goes down
When you want something different, you want
Skin, a bagel, time, fabric
Nighttime we come back to the truths we hold on to
Cats are not domesticated
The speed of light means nothing ever changes
Selves and sleeves
Windows vs. doors
Backwards into trees
Backwards into hats that seen once and then never seen again
A breadline of apologies
Hands upon hands upon heads
The tip of your tongue
So many organs
I used to be faster, I know that
I love a fireplace
Location:Quarry Rd,Dryden,United States
November 18, 2015
Words Can Matter
Give and take and/or walk away from it
You have a ball, you gotta always remember that
But you don't always have to protect that ball because yarn can only do as much as yarn can do
Well I'm sure that's a lot
Accumulate skills
Furious furious furious thumbs in the night
Do you see that next day coming and then the next and then the next
Ice cream trucks sell more than ice cream
November 17, 2015
When It's Time to Change the Filter but You Can't Remember How
And remembering I have this whole "selves" and "sleeves" thing -- you know?
Font as in fountain
Bigger and bigger hands
Democracies prefer to deal with despots most the time
The space between what you see and what you say
Wearing stripes on the regular
Meaning forever local and forever right on, right on
Do you keep a to-do list?
Location:W 36th St,Baltimore,United States
November 12, 2015
November 11, 2015
It Gets What It Gets
Columns and colophons. The stranger side of plural nouns. Fictitious bedroom communities. Cooperating with court-appointed representatives.
Dogs bred for hunting. The companionship tides offer. Refrigerator cars in a row. Farmland.
Everyone saying their goodnights and goodbyes.
Location:Odenton Rd,Odenton,United States
Something About Slytherin
November 10, 2015
With a Chance of Things
Options, awnings, awful, incorporate
Like, mixing in a chance for things
Tuesday used to be the day of the week with the least purpose until Taco Tuesdays came along
It starts from personality and works up from there
Work work work work
Work work work work
Work work work it work
Right right onward go
Wednesday always had its thing and Monday long before that
The Fall, the rain, transit
November 4, 2015
That's a Bit Much
Show offs with their bmx bikes
Pants, fancy or not
We don't have a word for the way the sun and the sky plays out when you live near the water
We don't have a cage big enough for some other train of thought
Darkness gathers in the corners
Another day starts at midnight
November 3, 2015
I've Got Your Transit Right Here
All the things that have spooled and spoiled
Rhetoric has a penchant for ignoring physics
Information has a way of defying logic, and that's really important to get your head on
There are alternatives to everything you know when you look hard enough
And some pictures are just pictures
I had a long Monday for Tuesday because I had issues for Monday
And then miniature
And then mezza soprano
And then chicken soup and celery and such
Same-day delivery ha ha ha
Get that
Location:85th Ave,Hyattsville,United States
November 1, 2015
I Love Being a Morning Person, But Especially in the Fall
Soft yellow shale and something about mittens
Bundles of coal and what about string
These are a few and a few more and all of them things
I've got coffee
I've got a book to read
I've got a blanket
I've got all livestock
I've got all livestock
All the different meanings of channel
There are people that sit between things
All the different meanings of medium?
Fellow friendship frailty freshness date
Acorn alcove alchemy suggestion
Separation anxiety is a real thing
How big are you in your head?
In your head's head
Little men watching screens all the way down
Not really
How easy it all is until it's not
Something is strung up and something else is bleeding
October 31, 2015
So Many Things Are Best Left Unnarrated
So many of the best things come to you
When we moved from an oral culture to a printed culture, many great arts and artists and ways of thinking were left behind
This happened again with photography and MTV and so on, you get the point
So many things will come to you
October 29, 2015
All the Live-long Day
Lorem ipsum up some.
Dollar dollar bills.
Bombs away.
Spectrum vs. continuum.
Auto-fill fields.
Automobiles and magic vs. automobiles and wheels.
And fake is fantastic.
And February.
Walls made of wall stuff.
February made of wall stuff
And automobiles streaming by
Days are days and used to be fantastic
Skies are blue because we want them to be
There's the sun
October 28, 2015
I Say Sing Sing I Say
Some people prefer folding, others rolling
There are boxes and stacks and bundles and scores
I look around me and I see cane-like objects as far as the eye can see
Taxes vs. dues
We all have a say so say it wisely
Or say it something
Say say say
October 27, 2015
Separated Smiles, Sinister Somethings
Who wears cloaks these days?
Or dinner clothes?
Everything's built on something
Rhyme reduces the world to information
And that's truer or not depending on your mood
Rhetoric isn't right or maybe is the rightest making fun of right we've got going
It's late, you see
Location:Baltimore,United States
October 25, 2015
Stolen Stair Soar
Separated everything
Borders vs. boundaries vs. limits
Beckett used to say if he could tell it in a sentence he would've written the sentence instead of all this
Fast and quick and darting
We needed a word for diurnal and so there you go
People come together
October 21, 2015
What Are You Keeping Together
And household objects all about
There is a snowglobe you got in Baltimore and you live in Baltimore
But isn't an option
When is and that which
I mean momentum and I mean angular momentum and I mean I guess that means there's more for me
When clocks used to wind down
Oh quaint little winding down clocks!
Stores plus things you've already eaten
Next we stack the kindling and get ready
September 24, 2015
Maybelline Maybellantern Markets Maybe Marcollection Maybe Maybe, Marcia
September 21, 2015
When Which Wiped What Flagrant

In my head "tired af" sounds like you are talking about a town like Mars, PA
I mean, I say the letters individually or I kinda feel them hovering that way somewhere between where I see them and the place that makes sounds inside my head
Which is something
And someplace I guess
The thing is, things are changing for the better even if there's gonna be some pain on the way there
Just because it's obvious that rain's gotta happen that doesn't make it tired
Predators, happen
Extinction, happens
Nighttime, flooding, earthquakes, happens, happens, happen
Pride happens and it's only Monday
Motion, mass transit, dinner time
This weekend, I took my dog out late at night to pee and I saw this family of four deer
They're all gonna die, sure
You should have seen them
Location:5th St,Bowie,United States
September 15, 2015
Stories Have Things

Stories have all kinds of things
Someone parses subjects and objects but before that moment it is all cats
This tastes like this and that's it if you let it
Words like respect and honor come with their whole thing
What will life be like after we make peace with the flood?
I know, I know -- that's boring and it the earlier transitioning time that you're interested in
There really is no reset button, the world is just made that way
The ocean still drowns
The sun still burns
The moon is still a big mirror
What are you gonna do about it?
Some people shave every day
Tomorrow, some will have breakfast and some won't
I still have trouble with sundries
September 14, 2015
Some Things Just Happen

Summer things
But the weather's turned (the weather's done turned)
And and and
Entire strands have left what you once thought behind
As ashes as dust as clay as the golden hour
As dirt bikes are to mud
As Monday's are to retail gimmickry
As one as once as memories
As mammals vs. earlier this year extinction events
Stories have rising action
August 16, 2015
Winning Sometimes

Sometimes winning is like wrestling a greased pig.
Sometimes winning is simply stepping on the court.
Sometimes winning is everything.
Winning is about struggle and effort and optimism
Winning is great, sure
Winning is everything to catch up on
Sometimes winning is actually setting your sights on what everyone around you says is impossible.
Winning is not a sometime thing
Winning is for losers
Sometimes winning is just getting back on.
Winning is forever.
Winning is not enough.
Sometimes winning is losing.
Winning is a choice.
Winning is to campaign with joy.
Winning is my motherfuckin' protocol.
Winning is to be kind.
Winning is no accident.
Winning is finishing.
Winning is her goal.
Winning is fun, but it teaches you nothing.
Winning is half the bummer.
Sometimes winning is a dramatic kiss-the-ground kind of experience.
Sometimes winning is just surviving.
Sometimes winning is quitting.
Sometimes winning is no fun at all.
August 7, 2015
Because Morning Is Here Quickly and Robots Are Your Friends

What do we have to do with the best?
What do we have to do that is not an issue?
What do we have to do with the other side of the best?
That when which which where what when
You can get the same as the best
They pick up trash weekly in this neighborhood
I shower daily, for the most part
Parties aren't just for partying
Eating isn't just for eating
I get this thing and I walk it around to all my friends, my family, the people I know, the people I work with
I have a car and I drive it -- sometimes to work, sometimes to the train station, sometimes other places
You have these opinions, you know
You have ways things work out
You have ways you think things will work out and then ways you think things should work out
You learn all the important words early
You straddle worlds and cultures and that matters more for some people than for others
You can add up numbers
It's been one of those weeks in one of those seasons in one of those years
Did you ever play with a spirograph?
I mean if you didn't, I think you should
I bet you can get one real easy online
Make sure you eat something
August 3, 2015
Like a Table

I'm not.
I'm not.
I'm not.
I'm not.
There was a guy that just had thumbs.
There was a guy who lived for music.
There was a guy that was the best of all.
There were afternoons that you just let go of.
There were evenings that were full of heat and expectations.
There were mornings piling up outside your door.
Nothing to do with Monday
Everything to do with style points
Tiles, clouds, other elements, journeys, agility
We keep trying to make the thinnest layer so we keep trying.
It's All Practice, Now

I have a hankering for a fighter right now -- are they making any good fighters anymore?
I want something to eat, too
Something salty
And something to drink that's cold and delicious
Things really can be that simple if you let them
New keyboard? No problem
There's some perfect balance of violence and centering and perspective that keeps it all together
Why sweat the unravelling before The Unravelling? It's a disrespectful waste of these raveled times
I could tell you things about my life and my family
We could take stock of all the spaces between things and be like Oh snap!
A wall is made brick by brick if it's a brick wall
The grass here is pretty with dandelions here and there
All the ping pong balls are dented, but you'd expect that by August
The sun, the sun, the sun
July 28, 2015
You Have Walls, You Have a Roof, You Have Things

Earlier, you have fences
You have stones and you arrange them in piles
You look in front of you, you turn your head to look behind you, there is the sun in the sky
People come and go, you'll see
Like that guy with the scraggly beard before kids had beards, on the porch
That guy, he liked Chinese food
Who doesn't?
And ghosts and math equations and fireworks
What I'm trying to say is that you have everything and then what?
Live by the woods and you'll hear cicadas at night, it's that simple
Live in the city and maybe live by the woods at the same time
People have all these kinds of things they do all the time
They've been doing these tricks with lenses for hundreds of years
But a good trick is a good trick
There is this one with a car and a couple thousand miles of roads travelled in a few days time
And you remember it forever
July 26, 2015
Much or Muchly, Mulching Mower, Mine

Trigger everything
What's going on with your voicemail
One hand and then the world
We're always remaking everything
A dozen, a score, and then what
The sun isn't up yet
Things that melt over weeks or months
You've gotten your spice rack just where you want it
The sounds of night things in the woods at night
Saying what you mean
The light of your phone, so bright on your face and you are squinting
July 15, 2015
July 9, 2015
I'll Get to This Later / I'll Get to You Later

One who hasn't slept is cute
One who is wrapped in a blanket is normally cute
Everything kittens rubbing their tired little eyes
And bunnies
And bloodshed, adds the ain't-slept mind
But hush hush we're still flying
Everything slippery forever after
And so it's always been? Maybe not
But it has been quickly and for some long while
Turtles have baby turtles, it is their way
Tires get old and sometimes get burned on the edge of a lake, such is their way to the dismay of nearby vacationers
What if things had a past tense, too? Think of all the fun you could have
Sliding is a thing
Put a ring around all your favorite things
Fresh flowers and seafood and sunshine
Where cats go so goes extinction which is a real pisser
Like your life being built on so many things that would disgust you or are currently disgusting you
Are you the betting type?
Location:Oak Rd,Baltimore,United States
July 5, 2015
All the Free Things #Latergram

what all that is
I don't when which which
That then the Republic those there elms then that then which oak
Seasoned oak and some pine combusting
Discomfort settles in the lungs in allergy season and virus and bacteria
Protein, more protein, sunshine
Little loops of nothing tangled up with little loops of something
Everything everything everything everything
One short because this is this year and not that year
I mean century
You can tell so much about me and I about you
Spin the wheel, place your tokens, spin the wheel, celebrate, shuffle on
You'll do what you want with the spaces
June 30, 2015
Bits of Broken Matchsticks

There are all these ages and the layers of sediment they left behind
Robot plows do the strangest things with equations and GPS, which is more equations
The atmosphere is full of trace elements like any good story
And I keep thinking about a pile of matchsticks
Or piles of matchsticks
Rows, cross-hatched, bundled on an end, broken and jumbled up
Did you grow up with Lincoln Logs?
I did
Have you been to Lincoln, Nebrasksa?
Do you have a favorite President?
A favorite time of day?
I like to keep it close
I miss the occasional ice cream binge
June 22, 2015
Accumulation and/or Cactus Mentality

It sounds good to have been a metal kid, but I wasn't a metal kid
And my allergies rolled up on my tonight
Before that making drinks, drinking, eating, baseball on TV
Each day full of a day's worth of decision
Each day a little bit shorter now
And keep on saying it quieter and quieter and we're all crouching down until late December and you got it
Every time you are dancing and that song comes on it's probably gonna be a good time if you let it
You got your cellphones and your pictures and your hashtags and your good times
You've got your bed and your sheets and your roof over your head
You have a toolbox of tools and a bag of tricks and wooden cross beams and places you like to go
Like, want, need, forget
Naive, national, nature, nine more
Tracks, I mean
Cornering and decisions and going
June 15, 2015
All Sorts of Treachery Captured for Your Viewing Pleasure

All the sentries you can remember
Scores and scores, scoring, scouring, scrounging
Everything divisible if you have patience and enough decimals
Everything you've shouted and heard shouted
Give thanks for this roof over our head
All the better to project
And thunder that shook the whole house -- have you been there for that and for real? -- it's much more than what you've read
You can cross your fingers or press your palms against one another and it's not the same but you're getting there
What you do with your hair on a humid Sunday
What you do for lunch
That episode where Magnum's dad says tells kid Magnum has to tread water for 24 hours because then he'll be saved and then present-day Magnum treading and treading
Storms will happen all summer
Most clapboard is weathered
And perfect skies will look fake for generations
June 10, 2015
Cakes for Sale!

The 50s happened for like life
Your favorite kind of bread with your favorite meat and your favorite condiments
Entropy is always against you
But trees still happen and skyscrapers and nation-states
Sugar gets all over the place
You head south, everything heads south
Figures and pictures and real life
Logistics is to the military as triage is to the ER as asynchronous state management is to the 21st century
Your loading graphic is my spirit animal
Go find your own
Location:Baltimore,United States
June 9, 2015
As One, What Are You Going to Do?

Personality is one of those things that slides
What kind of tuning are you gonna go with on this one?
Globes of glass inside globes of glass and so on with ringing
All the things a gloved hand gets away with
Summer coming on in the Mid-Atlantic
Scooters and flip-flops and sunscreen
You write something important on a strip of paper and twirl it into a tight little cylinder and then put it in your pocket
And repeat that again and again until you have a pocket full of very important things
How much would that weigh?
Turn other things inside out
A box can take more doing
Seasonal everything and water and predictions
Everyone loves a parade, so there you have it

Location:Baltimore,United States
June 7, 2015
Whatever What Was Intended

How a bricklayer approaches a place where there's going to be a wall
All the places one may find a furrow
The times you approach a corner, better yet, the times you wonder what waits around that corner
There comes that moment when the phones you knew in your youth are gone
And so many things seem ridiculous
Have you seen what happens when hyenas get their way?
And then department stores, manual transmission, hell, internal combustion while we're making lists
YouTube videos of massive domino runs
On the horizon is gravity and old age and who knows what else
Time, time, mountains
The moon so very far away
Here comes the sun, here comes the night, here comes the sun again and the night and the sun and the night
Have you been in the harbor?
Have you seen it?
Have you walked the shore as the sun does all the things a sun can do?
When you roll up your khakis, grab wayfarers, and become President
When you roll up your sleeves and get down to work, and your hands covered in ink stains
When you take off your glasses and everything's blurry now but it's a cinematic indicator of new perspective and that moment right before inspiration
Or rubbing your temples
Or your hand on the bridge of your nose as everything falls apart around you
So much to tell every day you walk this Earth and surely long after, when you are wandering the stars and making all sorts of discoveries we'd never imagined
Location:Baltimore,United States
May 31, 2015
There Are So Many People and So Many Things

You see that it is specks in the far corner of specks all the way down
I mean that you're on the edge of this huge thing and it is on the edge of this huge thing and so on
I don't mean to be repetitive but god damn
And I think about Athena and how she sprung from Zeus's forward fully formed -- I think about that all the time
That's what a real myth looks like in our world and we cling to it
Erase the past, believe in genius
Because it is comforting even when it leaves us out -- like when people without means vote for politicians and policies that protect those with means because I'll be rich tomorrow
Who's out there gathering up all these American modern day myths into an Ovid-like single place?
Sunday is not for soapboxes, Jamie
Sunday is for soaking up all the things
Like sunshine and chores and afternoon baseball and all the work you need to get going on
Like the 350 million people in this country and the 6-something billion people around the planet
And that that is a huge percentage of all the people ever
And that surely some dinosaurs were warm blooded
And that it is always good to remember that chickens are dinosaurs
And so on
There is so much all the time
I don't have much to add to that just now
I'm reading a book about a guy that's trapped alone on Mars and trying to not die there
I mean it's a book, but I'm reading it on my phone
Because I do that a bit these days
This weather
May 28, 2015
Granite Is a Type of Stone
May 27, 2015
Somethings Are Strong

What can happen with words over time
That you can fight the ocean -- ask the Dutch
Really big things followed by really small things
All the meanings of resolution piled on top of one another
All the front doors of all the Starbucks everywhere
Or all the kitchenettes in all the apartments
Raveled things unraveled and laid out for everyone to see
And that story where that get to the innermost room and it is white and bare and empty
What makes the letter O so wonderful and all the cultures that mired through life before we invented zero
There's more onion under each layer of the onion peeled away
But that isn't the point
May 21, 2015
For When They're Up to Their Neck in Getting By

Read like you own it
Style points, stolen glances, standard rates
Self-correcting sentence structures
Static like on the radio and static like this block of stone
Sometimes the song is afraid, too
Sometimes the air quality is less than what you'd hoped for
Coalesce as a driving principle
Cantilever as what you want
Without the repetitions you don't need
At least at least at lost at like
Turnips turned trying
You admire, you preserve, you enjoy
May 19, 2015
What Is It That You Want?

When you are silly, time slows down
When you put a sugar cube in what it all rushes away
"Not like" can help you flip through shades like you're getting somewhere
You are surrounded by jewels everyday
The air is full of water, the ground is full of air, and clouds are heavier than airplanes
Everything will still depend on you, though
These conditions will never be repeated, but that doesn't make them matter
We still believe in gravity
somewhere close by a clock is ticking
a kid down the block is bouncing a ball on the driveway
the dog is sprawling out on the floor because it's humid
The fan is trying to do its thing
Put it together
All of it
May 18, 2015
A Little Bit More Everything

Off and rain
Like often
There were dresses and the century-odometer turning
Because every TV show comes to an end
There are all kinds of gates across this land
There are free countries and dry counties and the land of tomorrow
There are valleys full of dinosaurs
And dinosaurs full of regret
A pitcher of water in the fridge so you always have some cold water to drink
The world's gonna do what it does
May 15, 2015
There Is a Square Named Every Day

I want to write in code all night
I want to peel progressively bigger and more useless things
People memorize things, other people write them down
Planes fly overhead
And those same planes are taking people from point A to point B and most of those planes will make it, but that doesn't make it mean anything
Think of a lattice, not a metaphorical one
I guess a framework would be a better example
Take a solid and melt it and then boil that
I'm not trying to describe how the Earth came to be
But that did take a while
First came before seconds
That's just common sense
There comes a point where you need to stand on something
Coronets, columns, conifers
As opposed to continuances not the paper that carries them and all these other things in the air between us
There is a war going on
And a collection of coins right where you need it
May 11, 2015
The Way You Pronounce Everybody, I Think You Mean It

And what happens to their skin
Tensile strength, changes in
Champions on every corner
What fish think of waves
And snow drifts make you remember sand banks and grass is what is important to a dune
When you hunker down and believe in canned foods
Direct sunlight
Accidental dispersion
The rise and fall of emotions like someone planned it
Because someone did
And, they, too, are growing
May 9, 2015
Flow Meter, Assembly Acquired

All of the work that goes into making a single good brick
A sample of pond water teeming with flagellates and amoebas and such
At the same time, piles on top of piles as far as the eye can see
Hubble's anniversary and we're seen much much more now
I've been thinking of information as reality selling itself short in favor of structure
And that keeps switching states with what that guy said last night about Dylan and Truth except the words all being changed
Because thoughts on top of thoughts
Because ideas live someplace different with its different rules
And here I am in this place
On a couch
Waiting to get my haircut
I could try and show you what the flood looks like, but who has time for that?
Or that's what I've been doing all along
I mean recent years
There's a sidewalk on either side of the road
And everyone is moving
And there's a bit of a wind
Then so much else
April 30, 2015
The Train Ahead of Mine Apparantly Hit a Guy and He Died

Listing like leaning to the side
All kinds of things in life will make you think about what it's for
Water vs. the drain in your bathtub
Snake eating its tail vs. its tail
Theory vs. reality and so on
You can only hear someone go on and on about context so many times before you have to catch up on email
And then maybe your niece pranks you and you end up texting a bit
I mean, that's what just happened
I mean, there is always so much everything pouring in
And while the cup is only so big, it really isn't
Like right now, you thought a cup and you just need to think it bigger
Like way bigger
And then there is all this stuff about beginnings and endings and endings and beginnings
The sun is streaming through the trees and through the window and on the other side of that rusting relay station is a stream
Maybe you find the same rock in two different locations 100 miles and four years apart and you don't even realize it
Somewhere there are two identical snowflakes where somewhere is someday, too
Look at that
Location:Bristol Pike,Tullytown,United States
April 29, 2015
What What What Works Just Works

We'll ask you about everything that's been long
We'll ask you about trash pickup in your neighborhood, yeah
We'll ask you about the long haul
As in, what's the plan from here?
Chapters imply sighs
Where are the handholds?
Fatal final finish
Fantastic fables foundered on fast breaks
Brown brown bristles bruise
Some area down by some other
Location:W 26th St,New York,United States
April 28, 2015
Surely You Would Like to Be a Part of Things

Sometimes the questions aren't getting any better
There are all kinds of things in this world, it's 2015
Spend some time thinking about just how long moss has been around
I mean this neighborhood
And then comes the miracle that is ice skating
Pressure to a point, a point to an edge, the way things go, I mean melt
Resistance is an equation
Resistance is futile
Resistance is
Further down the line a steam shovel
Further down the line a dozen bars
Further down the line utter perfection
My measure, my kinda day, my lately
Location:W 26th St,New York,United States
April 27, 2015
Less to Say for Now
April 26, 2015
You Brought Us the Empties

You brought us the emptiest
Everyone's been asking your friends how you're doing
Then walls made out of wall stuff, as they say
Higher, thicker, faster
You bank me
You send it all sky high
The sun is out, but the moon is still whispering to the ocean
Not every lap's gonna be a victory lap
And a governor is just another thing in a state full of things
The counties sit down to talk evacuations vs. excavations
Location:Russell St,Baltimore,United States
April 25, 2015
I Won't Miss This
April 24, 2015
You'll Pick the Email that Tells Your Story

When you get to the end
Ligatures and Flannery O'Connor
Days of the week, cute skeins of yarn, habits
I mean memory foam, salty cheeses, and fantastic sunsets
Everyone searching for the sun's last home while the moon is forever falling
You don't have to be a genius to stand in the surf
You don't have to be a genius to save money packing a lunch
You don't have to be a genius to find the colors that are best for you
You get a hundred points for just getting up every morning
Here's your badge, everyone is so proud of you and clapping and they want to know how you made it this far
Your story has so many flavors that we've forgotten
Out west again, they are burying children to the waist while the water rises
Your the last one to remember the score
Someone said, Excuse me
April 23, 2015
Most Everyone Has a Face (So Far)

Oh man oh man oh man oh man
Oh man #latergram too
Like when things are running
Like multiplying the atmosphere
Project a column straight up, do a bunch of stuff, and then project a column straight down and do it all over again
What would a field of reference be all about?
Two people don't need to know each other
In other situations, you can take all the heat out of it
In other situations, like will meet like in unexpected ways
I'm losing all my pictures, I'm running out room
These are old problems that aren't supposed to happen anymore
Location:Mason Dixon Trl,Elkton,United States
April 22, 2015
When the Choices Don't Reflect the Situation

So you take and retake and retake and retake
Spectrums are in fashion
The time of closed loops is fast upon us
Choices before us, around us, and about us
Ideas underneath us and more ideas above us doing the same thing until they are the same thing
We've been in the thick of perspective longer than anyone can remember
The struggle between atoms and molecules and where do you stop
Junot Diaz on the violence we do to our identities so that others can deal with us at all
And the dealing never ends
It's not nosey to ask what you want all this ammunition for
But I'm not holding my breath for an answer
There are machines in the days of machines
And this is one of them
Go on with the questions
Location:Crosby St,New York,United States
April 21, 2015
We Will Have Had Calories

The space between validation and valid
You put things on top of other things
People get focused on shapes that have insides and volume and paths
You take a piece of paper and you tear it into smaller pieces of paper
You're on a field trip, a younger you, and you do something really smart or really stupid, but the point is you remember it and you are older now and you are remembering
Levers love fulcrums, that's factual
Air conditioning, likewise factual
And then perspective and then time
Them, that is, which which was, forever, for for for with what what whatever
The gray begets the grayer begets the fewer, greater, gains, gantry
The ocean laps the shore
Location:Crosby St,New York,United States
April 20, 2015
Whatever It Is That You Say and Then the Weather Rolls In

And all of the kingdom right over there
Like dive on in
Like everything in sight is bitter
Like English gardens and French gardens and whatever kinds of gardens we have round these parts
Like a pile of rocks, like silt, like what you're expecting
Like all this red clay everywhere
Evening is coming
I mean evening is here
There is this game called limbo you play, where'd it get its name?
Who dropped this and who dropped that
The way we tell stories will change, too
We see more frames per second
We feel acceleration
We see time
Plastic wrap is a thing and so on
April 19, 2015
What What What You Were

Together, a deep breath
You break it you bought it
You break it you bought it
You break it you bought it
Exit all to get to the point of it quickly
Extemporaneous and such
And set it
And sit with errors
Shine the fenders and call it a day
There are the people who live like this
Switches switched spectrums
Multiple doors and not so many tries to try
And then rust
And then something is back
And then we drag it all out
What was missing was a picture
April 18, 2015
Deep in the Box, a Dangerous Hitter

Or, I meant to write this at the zoo
There were flamingoes and penguins and elephant
There was sun and lemonade and convenient parking
Is it a statement of fact if I start it off with "did you know"
Like if I said, Did you know the sky is purple?
Is that a statement that claims the sky is purple
I was wondering that listening to a Jiffy Lube commercial
I like to get my oil changed there
Somewhere between idiom and ellipses makes language worth living
What's the space between jargon and idiom? Is it power?
And what about Italian food in the spring?
Yeah, I made a drink and put the game on the radio
Build it up one thing at a time
Make this the world you were meant to live in
As best you can
There will be autocorrect
There will be expectations and family and whatever
It's on
April 17, 2015
How Soon Is Never

You're supposed to be somewhere else
It's supposed to be earlier
You should've gotten more done
That duck doesn't have a head
Dark dark dark in the air
Dash dash more air retreat
There's more space between some dinosaurs than there is between some dinosaurs and us
Speed is a spectrum and a circle
Everything a spectrum and most things a circle
Free this, assisted that, fair these other things
Attack, retreat, regroup, fortify
Minerals vs. mineral rights
The air you breathe vs. the water you bathe in
Court danger
Court wonder
April 16, 2015
What Huh What What Want

Lean to wane to wanting to wine
Cowgirls vs. cows as in something something pasture
Discount this this this
Vine on all right
Want when
Want wisdom
Wellfires, gears, constitutions, constituents
Symptoms of something or salvaging something or other
Statues, stints, strikeforce
All right?
April 15, 2015
I Meant to Write This in Chinatown Today

Something I mean vs. something mean
Imagine something incredibly fancy
And then all kinds of manufacturer's samples
Dancing matters
Issues, models, mantras
Load up on carbs and call it a day
As in and aand aaaaaand
Or a redistribution of wealth I can believe in
Robots undone from their beginnings
Competition and reward
The root of reason
I mean what's underneath all these conversions
And the place where the speed of light meets absolute zero
And I'm still afraid of losing you
So so so many stars
So so so many stats
You can, you can
I love those chord changes
April 14, 2015
My Lap, All Kinds of Room for Cats and Let's Watch Some Baseball

Can you believe it?
Have you even been to Stockholm?
No, I haven't. And they aren't calling.
But dinner is cooking and here I am and here I am before the day is over
And our terms keep changing, but that's ok
And this is what I look like and/or this is what I'm about and/or what are we going to do about all these problems
With climate change or dictators or the price of wheat
As in they've been in all kinds of movies about growing up, but now they're all grown up and what are you going to do with them
I mean, did you run cross-country in middle school?
I did
It's a nasty nasty world you live in
Did you see that?
Good luck
April 13, 2015
Storage Centers and Staged Readings

Length of story will vary
Intensity of results will vary
Centered on what?
Nothing? Nothing important? Convenience? Low real estate values?
Family situations, empty gestures, monthly recurring costs
Some forever turtle wrapping a forever string around a forever stick
Something like that
Intention vs. talent
Taste vs. airport cooking
Fluid vs. fluid vs. time
You want a reflector? Get a reflector
Location is where I landed, not where I wrote.
Location:N Dee Rd,Park Ridge,United States
April 12, 2015
What Are We Going to Do with All These Conferences

What were you looking for?
Ore by the mountain
Restful conditions on overtime pay
Same, similar, simulation, equivalence
Weigh this, weight that
Weigh, way, weight, mass, Mass, massive, matter, madder
Made in the make-up
Made out, made whole, maiden voyage
Master, master, master!
How much farther, faster, longer?
Surrounded by sticky situations, our little band of heroes
Happens on a cache of preserved meats and dried fruits
Days away from the nearest settlement
My take stock and count their blessings
While the Earth continues around the sun and the moon is right where you'd expect it
Location:Russell St,Baltimore,United States
April 11, 2015
Pre-Gaming Y'all

I was thinking in the shower this morning about starting a journal of baseball-themed occasional poetry
Think that'd work?
I was thinking about all kinds of occasions big and small
Like a poem for the 6th game of the 69 World Series
That'd be a great one
And of course the expected -- opening day, the World Series more generally, and so on
This was from / for mid-day yesterday, but then we were paying the check and walking and I forgot to hit "publish"... So there you have it
The Orioles lost, by the way, the score was like a million to not-a-million and the fog kept up until the game was over
Location:W Fayette St,Baltimore,United States
Can All of It Matter?

Unfortunately all of it can't matter
The same is a hard place to get to
A hard place to be
They have these boulders they call erratics and they're not just a thing in the Adirondacks
They're everywhere
Which means a lot of places
Glaciers move slowly whatever way they move
There is advancing
There is receding
Or retreating
Do you make the coffee at your house?
Do you do the dishes?
Can you cook a steak?
There is a thing these last few hundred years, but especially the last thirty or forty and
That thing is a list
Everywhere you go
Which means exactly what you're thinking
Everything I say or write or do
That favorite place and
That favorite thing and
Some quality sunshine
When we make a simulations -- and I mean a pretty broad "we" here -- at the bottom of it all there are a handful of equations duking it out at any given moment
Sometimes just two equations with a whole bunch of what-ifs crowded around
Everything gets in the water if you let it
Currents carry if you let them and
The air wants to be breathed
Dust yourself off everyday and in every way
There comes a time for the doing
More sunshine
And everything expected and unexpected
April 9, 2015
You Can't Miss What You Can't Touch

Palaces of wisdom
Everything's covered
Like perpetual motion machines and the boys of summer
Like problems with vermin
Like safari guides, the printed kind
Here's a map, constellations, conservative predictions
The trees are just starting to bud so there can be leaves and then leaves can fall
Look at the grass, it's coming too
Before you know it, rain delays
You can make it work
All of it